Friday, December 2, 2011

Science Test Wednesday!

Mixtures and Solutions Science Test this Wednesday!

Study the summary sheet--add additonal notes
Learn the key terms (hand-out given) according to science--look up definitions in the textbook
Re-read the unit in the text
Do Unit Review questions at the end of the chapter (purple pages)
Review Communicate and Check Your Progress questions

Multiple Choice
Short Answer

Any questions email

Thursday, October 27, 2011

That Time of Year!

Mid-term! More assignments for you...more marking for me! Please stay ontop of your homework and assignments. Remember to put in your best effort.

All term 1 assignments need to be handed in by November 10th in order to be included on the T1 report card.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Science Test Friday!

There will be an Ecosystems Unit Test on Friday. Please study at home. Use your unit summary (handed out at the beginning of the unit and also on page 91-92 of the textbook) and the review questions in the text (page 93-96) to help you study.

Test Format:
Multiple Choice
Short Answer

If you have any questions please contact Miss Anholt (

We will review in class on Thursday.

Note: The textbook has been our primary source. Please review the chapter in the textbook. Do not rely on class notes (there is hardly any!).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Science Unit Test

Warning!  There will be a science unit test before the students have their school break and teachers go to convention.  The test date will be officially determined when we wrap up the unit and make time for review but I am thinking Oct. 13th or 14th.  If not then the following week.

Please start studying/reviewing the material that we have covered in class.

Note: You do not have many written notes since our source has been the textbook.  Please read and review Chapter 1: Ecosystems in the textbook.

If you have any questions please contact me:

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ride for Refuge Ride Day Details

Miss Anholt's Class Details
-Register online
-Get sponsors
-Show up at Cornerstone Church shortly after 8:00 (Miss Anholt will meet you near the registration desk--I will bring the parent consent forms)
-Remember a helmet, your bike, and appropriate clothes (jacket, mini-gloves, etc.)
-Parents are welcome to join or cheer! (Maybe go down to Meewasin)
-Lunch is served at 11:30 (if you want to stay)

Here are details from the Ride for Refuge Site. Check site for more details and site map. (

Start/Finish Location The Saskatoon RIDE is being hosted again at Cornerstone Church - 315 Lenore Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7Z5. There is plenty of parking, bathroom facilities and an indoor registration area.

Rider Registration/Check-In 8:00 am All riders (and volunteers) must check-in personally and sign the Registration & Waiver form (available here to download). Riders aged 15 or younger require a parent or guardian to sign on their behalf. Riders should come prepared with their "My Donors Form" downloaded and printed from their personal fundraising page or a completed pledge form.

Opening Ceremonies 8:45 am

Start Time 9:00 am

Route Closes 12:00 noon All riders must depart from start/finish location by 10 am. All riders traveling longer distances must judge their travel time carefully to ensure their return by 12 noon.

Lunch 11:30 - 1:00 pm Subway restaurants is back with a great assortment of subs for our lunch. Along with that will be soup and home made desserts. Stick around as we show pics of the morning ride and hang out with friends.

What to Bring/Wear
First things first. HELMETS are required. For those that don't have helmets some will be available to borrow but you may want to as a friend in case we run out. Early October is usually cool and rain, wind etc is possible. Wear layers, some moisture repelling clothes and if rain is forecasted, gloves, touque and even some bags to keep your feet dry during your ride. Of course, it could also be a beautiful fall day with no wind and blazing sunshine so keep an eye on the weather forecast as Ride Day approaches.

After Your RIDE
A great lunch will be served around noon and you are welcome to linger and enjoy after (or during your ride depending on how far you go). Riders are expected to depart or be picked up by 2pm.

Lost + Found
The lost and found will be located at the T-shirt desk.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bible Memory Verses

Bible Memory is an important spiritual discipline that we should all try to practice. To encourage you to memorize scripture I have assigned 10% of your Christian Ethics grade to Bible memory. Your first Bible memory assignment is to choose a verse (or more) from Philippians 1 and memorize it. You will be required to say your verse aloud or write it down, and share what the verse means and the significance of the verse it to you. Remember to memorize the reference as well! Philippians Chapter 1 memory verse test date: Tuesday, September 27th

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I want to say thank-you to all the parents who made it out to Meet The Teacher Night last night. It was great to meet you and briefly share what happens in "Miss Anholt's Class" and the expectations that I have for my students. Any parents who were not able to attend and would like the outline of what I shared please email me ( and I can send you a copy. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me. I do look forward to partnering with you this year. Miss Ashley Anholt

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ride for Refuge

After some discussion in class there was some interest for me to register a class team for the City-wide Ride for Refuge. So I registered 'Miss Anholt's Class' team and I invite you to join the team or sponsor one of the riders. Parents, friends, siblings, and students are all welcome to join! All riders will need to register for the team at the link below. All riders under the age of 15 are required to have the waiver signed by a parent/guardian before they ride. Pledges can be made online, on the rider's or team's profile, or by cash to cheque to the rider. Currently, our team's pledges will go towards the Bridge on 20th. I will take responsibility for supervising any of my homeroom students who want to participate in the event, but will not be responsible for any younger siblings or friends who want to ride. In this case, I invite parents/guardians to join the ride and help with supervision. The link to join or sponsor the Ride for Refuge team:The Ride for Refuge - Love, Sweat & Gears

The Ride for Refuge - Love, Sweat & Gears

The link to join or sponsor the Ride for Refuge team: The Ride for Refuge - Love, Sweat & Gears

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Be Better Than Good Enough

Good Enough Is Neither (by Mike Smith)

All too often 'good enough' is where the weak hearts stop.
It keeps the very best in each from coming to the top.
'Enough' implies just gettin' by and 'good' falls short of best.
So 'good enough' is average stuff and seldom meets the test.
The ones who 'shine' and seem to find success are those who dare
To charge right past old 'good enough' and show the world they care.
Never being satisfied with just an average plan,
They work and think and push themselves to do the best they can.
Remember that the choice is yours and you alone choose either,
But those who 'shine' are those who know that 'good enough' is neither

I think we can apply this concept to our relationship with Christ. Do you follow a mental checklist of things you need to do to get by and leave it at that…okay, I’ve had quiet times/devotions 4 out of 7 days this week…I’ve volunteered on this day…I went to church on Sunday...etc…I’m good to go, I’ve done what I need to do as a Christian. Have you trusted God with all areas of your life, or just the portions you want to? Do you truly worship God for all He is, or do you sing some songs on Sunday’s or in chapel or class because everyone else is?

I know there are definitely times in my life when I just go for the “good enough” in many areas of life, including my walk with the Lord. In Revelation 3, the Church in Laodicea is warned against being just “good enough”…15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
I challenge you to take a look at your own life, are you a “good enough”, lukewarm Christian, or do you strive to be connected in your relationship with Christ?

Note: This devotion has been taken from Miss Anholt's friend. It is not completely self-created.

Be inspired!

Parent's Homework

Parents, Please complete your homework on the handout that was provided. The 'assignment' was titled Help me get to know your child!. It was attached to the blue classroom newsletter that went home during the first week of school.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Welcome to Miss Anholt's class and to Miss Anholt's class blog! I look forward to a great year of learning and seeking God together. The blog will be one way to communicate important dates and notices. Note that not all assignments or due dates will be posted. I will attempt to update the blog as frequently as possible but it likely will not happen daily. I am going to continually research how to best incorporate technology into the 'classroom' website changes may be made in the future but for right now we will continue with this class blog. Please bookmark this page and check it frequently, both students and parents. If you need to get ahold of me please email me at or call and leave a message on my voicemail 343-1494.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Passport to the Pacific

The grade 7, 7/8 and 8 classes are preparing for their ‘Passport to the Pacific’ display that will take place from 12:30-2:30 on Wednesday. We would like to invite you to attend. This is the final project where the students will display what they have learned throughout the course this year.

Friday, June 3, 2011

It's that time of year

It's that time of year again where the pressure is on to complete all assignments before the end of the year. Also final projects are due in the next couple of weeks. Please hang in there and work hard for the last few weeks and then you can enjoy your summer holiday!

SS Research Report-due by Tuesday
SS Country Brochure (no more class time to work on this)-due Friday, June 10
SS Country Portfolio-due Friday, June 10
SS Passport to the Pacific-Wednesday, June 15

CE Journals-On going

LA Media Literacy Assignments-On going

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Government Quiz Friday

Review your notes
-Forms of Government (jot note taking activity)
-Types of Government Hand-out
-Government (definitions, adv/dis adv. Handout)
-In class notes (Federal, Provincial/Territorial, Municipal)
-Government chart homework assignment (names and places, etc).

Short Answer (list)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Passport to the Pacific

Remember you will be completing a final report on the country you are studying and you will be preparing a display of your country for the Passport to the Pacific. I would highly recommend you get books about your country from the library, or do some internet research so that you will be able to complete your report. We will be working on this in class (throughout our lessons) in the coming weeks.

Please bring any questions you have to class for us to discuss.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Book Talks

Book Talks have been moved until after the Easter Break. This is a result of other things coming up and the proper teaching and grading criteria has not been given. Please enjoy some Easter Break reading. Your book MUST be finished by the time you come back to school.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Developing World

Please use this Human Development Index map ( color code the countries for your "Less-Developed, More-Developed" Assignment.


*Be sure your are using the HDI map for your assignent but feel free to take a look at the other maps.

Your assignment will be assignened on Thursday but must be complete for Monday!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Newspapers Needed

Students you will need to bring a newspaper to class for next week (note the day change). Please bring one from your recycle bin (in order). If you do not get the paper please ask your neighbour/classmate/friend for an old one or buy one and bring it to school.

If any family gets the newspapers and can provide copies for others in the class please email me and let me know. Thanks!

Legacy One Fundraiser

FYI: Legacy One will be performing at the school on Monday night at 7pm. It is free to get in. There will be an opportunity to donate if you feel lead.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, March 25, 2011

SS Portfolio Assignments

Remember your portfolio assignments are due Monday.

If you have not bought your supplies for the course. YOU MUST! ASAP!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Chruch Project #2

Just a reminder that your church project #2 is due on Tuesday.

There is no grace period for this assignment. If it is not in on Tuesday it will be considered a zero for this report card.

Also, if you have ANY assignments for ANY class that has not been handed in those MUST be in by Monday, no exceptions.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Climate and Temp Instructions

Climate and Temperature Assignment Instructions
1. Go to, under websites click on ‘climate and temperature info’ or go to
2. On the home page or underneath the continent heading find the climate and temperature information for the country that you are studying (it will be for the capital city).
3. Open up a word document and title it Your Country Name Climate and Temperature
a. Centre the title
b. Size 18 font
c. Bold
4. Save your word document
a. Save in a folder titled “My country Portfolio” on your flash drive (this will help you keep organized)
5. Now copy and paste the bullet points into your word document
a. Change the pink font to black
b. Change the font size to size 12
c. Change the spacing to 1.5 spaces
i. To do this select the text you want to change and right click and go into ‘paragraph’ and then click spacing and change to 1.5
6. Now go to the ‘insert’ tab and click on footer
a. Choose the black option
b. It will then take you down to the bottom of your page
c. In your footer type the work cited, which will look similar to below (however, it will not be the same because you are doing a different country).
Information copied from: “What is the Climate, Average Temperature/Weather in Hong Kong?” Website. N/A. 2008-2011.

7. Double click on the rest of your page to get out of the footer.
8. Double click below your bullet points on page one and go ‘Insert’ ‘page break’
a. This will take you to a new blank page
9. Title that new page Your Country Name Climate Graph
a. Centre the title
b. Size 18 font
c. Bold
10. Now you are going to go back to the website and save the metric temperature graph onto your flash drive or photo file
11. Once you have saved it go back to your word document and insert the picture below the title
a. To do this go insert and find the picture where you saved it click on it and it should insert into your word document
12. Put your curser below the climate graph you just inserted and go ‘insert’ ‘page break’. This should take you to your third page
13. Now you are going to go back to the website and copy the metric weather averages.
a. To do this highlight the entire chart (including the title) and copy and paste it into your word document
i. Either go control c to copy and then go to your word document and click your curser where you want to paste it and use the command key control v to paste
ii. Or right click and click on copy (on the chart), go to your word document and click your curser to where you want to paste it and right click again and click paste.
14. Once you have inserted the bullet points, the graph, and the chart you basically done. Be sure that you included the work cited in a footer, make sure you headings are correct and use the proper capitalization
15. Print out your pages (will likely have 4 pages total).
a. Note: If you cannot print your document in color you must color it yourself or use a number scheme to correspond the lines and the legend.

**Be sure to continually save your work (in the right place) so that you do not loose your work and so that you can find it again if you need to print it again or make changes.

I would also suggest copy and pasting your work cited into another word document titled “Work Cited.” This will save you some work later on.

I hope you find these instructions useful. Please let me know if you need help or have any questions. See the attached document as a sample and use it as your guide.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Imagine Thailand Donations

I am pleased to announce that we have raised $3,550.41 for our Imagine Thailand project (through the bake sale and carnival). We have nearly reached our goal.

Thank-you for caring so much about others and allowing God to make what seems impossible possible.

Keep it up!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Imagine Thailand Donations

If you know someone or you yourself wants to make a payment to Imagine Thailand I am going to copy and paste you the link to the Imagine Thailand donations site. You could choose the best payment method from there.

If you want to send a cheque to the school we will forward them on. Please make the cheque out to: Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Memo: Imagine Thailand, Saskatoon Christian School Project.We will talk more about this in class.

Miss Anholt

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Save A Life Rational

For parents who may have some concerns or hesitations about the intentions of showing To Save A Life please let me express my intentions. I do value your concern and will honor your decision as to whether or not your son/daughter will participate in the viewing of this movie.

I do realize that this video brings up many heavy topics that youth are faced with today, many of which we think are foreign or "too mature" for the students in the class however, many of the social issues that are discussed most the students have heard about, been challenged with or have experienced themselves to some extent. I think this is a very well-produced Christian film that captures the real issues in well-crafted way. Often Christian movies tend to be "cheesy" or watered down. This one isn’t which may makes it more difficult to watch but a much more effective teaching tool. I intend to facilitate a discussion around the different social issues that are brought up in the movie. I will have the students brainstorm all the different topics that were presented and then we will talk about them. We will discuss them as a class and research them further. We will be making connections between the world's perspective and the Bible's perspective on these different issues. I believe that it is really important to provide a safe environment to be exposed to these issues, rather than for them to try to find their own exposure in unhealthy places or to distance themselves from issues that people their own age (even at a Christian school) are dealing with.

These topics have been and will continue to be discussed with the Middle Years Students. Since I have been at SCS these topics have been presented, acted out, and discussed at the Middle Years Chapels and within the individual classrooms. Most recently in 'health' class we have been discussing relationships and I intend to use this video as a tool for looking at relationships as they are presented in the video (racial/physical discrimination, abandoning a friend for a girlfriend and a cooler image, caring for the 'outcasts', teenage boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, etc.). I also look forward to the conversations that will stem from this video on suicide, abortion, drinking, etc. I am passionate about having these conversations with youth. The students beg to talk about these kinds of things all the time. On a daily basis they ask to have 'hot topics' which is an opportunity for them to discuss relevant topics. I have a conservative and Godly perspective on these issues which are clearly conveyed to the students as I share my personal perspective, experiences and research. Beyond the discussions, I hope for the students to work on projects looking at various social issues and answering questions such as: What is the issue? Why are youth faced with these issues? For what reasons do youth fall into temptation? What is the Biblical perspective on this issue, on temptation, on following worldly ways, etc? What does one need to do to avoid temptation? What supports can be in place for both dealing with the issue and avoiding temptation?

Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

Miss Anholt (

Friday, February 4, 2011

Social Studies Supplies

Please buy/bring your social studies binder and supplies to school next week!

To Save A Life

Remember to get the permission forms signed so that you can watch To Save A Life on Thursday.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Social Studies


Be sure to ask you son/daughter to see their Social Studies Syllabus. This will give you an overview of how they are getting marked, what supplies, they need, and what assignments you can support them in this term.

Miss Ashley Anholt

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Study spelling words

Remember you have a spelling test tomorrow. Please remember to study!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I would like to say a big THANK-YOU to all the students and parents who baked for the sale today. According to those who counted the money we raised $417.05! Well done! All the money will go towards to putting a water purification system in a school in Thailand.

Here is the email we received from the directors of Imagine Thailand (the organization that we are donating to) written specifically to you and this project.

I want to say thanks for being open to God using you to bring blessing to the Migrant community in Thailand. Clean water does more than provide for safe drinking. It provides for a a safer garden, vegetables and fruit not poisoned by dirty water. It provides for good hygiene. It provides for precious funds to be freed from spending on expensive water companies and instead designated to teaching and better nutrition. It also provides us, the Christian community a vital and honest way to show our love for the community and open the door to invest our lives in the community in the name of Christ. Your support of a water project opens a multitude of doors, so for that we want to say thank you and God bless you.

Peter and Cavelle Dove

Monday, January 17, 2011

Baking and Inspiration

Bring baking and money for the bake sale tomorrow.

Here is an inspirational video. This schools project is similar to what we are doing!

Thank You Glen Elementary from Ryan Detwiller on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


-Hat day tomorrow (bring a dollar wear a hat)
-Bring a coffee can, pringles can, hot chocolate can (with lid) for tomorrow to make a pinhole camera in science


title="Wordle: Untitled"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Untitled"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">


title="Wordle: FA"> src=""
alt="Wordle: FA"
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title="Wordle: SD"> src=""
alt="Wordle: SD"
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title="Wordle: Untitled"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Untitled"
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title="Wordle: Dana"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Dana"
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title="Wordle: Untitled"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Untitled"
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title="Wordle: Passions"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Passions"
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title="Wordle: things I love"> src=""
alt="Wordle: things I love"
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title="Wordle: Untitled"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Untitled"
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title="Wordle: Friends"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Friends"
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alt="Wordle: Untitled"
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title="Wordle: sean's wordle "> src=""
alt="Wordle: sean's wordle "
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tomorrow--Friday Jan 7

Tomorrow is Cougar Pride Day! Dress in your school colors.

Also remember to bring a flash drive tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011