Friday, October 8, 2010

Long Weekend Homework :)

-Study science (microscopes, cells, body systems)
-Statement of faith (Jesus-Holy Spirit)
-Read the New Testament

Persecution Drama

This is a drime that we are doing for chapel on Wednesday. We are talking about having a passion for the word.

It is intense. Be prepared!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Heritage Day

Heritage Day is tomorrow. The grade 7's were asked today to help out with serving. Please wear white and black or all black tomorrow. The grade 8's will help out with parking duty.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Possible song for chapel

Check out this song. It talks about God being our passion. Consider how we can use it in our chapel on Wednesday.

Picture Day

Just a reminder that school pictures will be taken on Thursday! Please remember to comb your hair and brush your teeth before you come to school!