Saturday, October 10, 2009

SS Research Project

I just want to remind you to start researching your topic for your Canadian History Research Project. The school's library has limited resources and the availability in the computer lab is minimal. You will have to take lots of responsibility for completing this assignment on your own. Please make use of the Saskatoon Public Libraries. They will have lots more books! Also, research on credible internet sites (not wikipedia). Let me know how I can help you. Don't leave everything until the night before!

Class Goal: Assess how historical events in Canada have affected the present Canadian identity.

Student Goal: Assess how a Canadian historical event has affected the present Canadian identity.

Step 1: Brainstorm

Brainstorm a variety of historical events that have had an impact on Canada/Canadians.

Step 2: Choose a topic!

Choose a historical event to thoroughly research how it has shaped the Canadian identity.

My topic: ______________________________________________________

*One topic per person

**You may not get your first choice for the topic

Step 3: Research

Use a variety of research methods to research your historical event. Take jot notes and be sure to create a bibliography of all the references used (Use the “How to write a bibliography” hand-out).

Consider the following:

· When and where the event occurred?

· What happened during the event?

· Who was directly and indirectly impacted by the event?

· Why the event happened and why was Canada/Canadians involved/impacted?

· How has this event affected the present Canadian identity?

Due Date: Monday, October 19th

Step 4: Present your information

You will need to present your research in a document that can be handed in and evaluated.

Choose a method of presenting your research:

· Research essay or report

· Power Point presentation

Due Date: Thursday, October 29th

Step 5: Class Presentation

You will be required to present your research to the class.

When presenting to the class consider:

· How you can make your presentation interesting to the audience.

· How you can answer the questions that you were expected to research (see above).

· That the audience will be expecting to be able to understand how your event has affected the present Canadian identity so that they will not have to research it themselves.

· Good presentation skills (confidence, cue cards, visuals, volume, eye contact, etc.)

Due Date: Thursday, October 29th

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gr. 7 Christian Ethics: Looking in the Rear View Mirror

Your assignment is to rewrite a modern day version of Habakkuk 3:17-19. To help with verse 17 consider possible current events/disasters (military crisis, wars, terrorism, social injustice, pollution, pets dying, etc.). For verses 18-19 consider the key faith words used in Habakkuk (rejoice, God, Savior, Sovereign, strength, yet). Rewrite this as your own statement of faith.

Writing (spelling, grammar, style) /5 marks
Rewrite Habakkuk 3:17 /10 marks
Rewrite Habakkuk 3:48-19 /15 marks

Due: Tuesday, Oct. 13th