Thursday, September 2, 2010

Get to you know you homework


Please try to complete your "homework" (the blue paper in the class newsletter) by Friday.


Please do the muliple intelligence quiz and 3 questions by Wednesday!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Your First Assignment: Multiple Intelligence

The purpose of this assignment is to discover your strengths and how you learn best as well as to see how well you follow instructions!

Your assignment is to complete the multiple intelligence quiz (at the provided website) to "Find Your Strengths."

1. Copy and paste this link ( into your web browser or click here.
2. Carefully read the instructions.
3. Take the quiz (all 56 questions)!
4. Click "Find My Strengths."
5. Read your results.
6. Copy and paste your results into a word document titled "My Strengths." Be sure to include your name, date and grade in the top right hand corner!
7. In the same word document (below what you copy and pasted) answer the following questions:
a) Did you find your results surprising? Briefly describe why or why not?
b) Do you agree with your top three strengths why or why not?
c) What types of assignments or activities would you like to complete in class this year so that you are using your strengths?
8. Print off your word document and hand it in to Miss Anholt by Friday morning (Sept. 3rd).

Assignment due by: Friday, September 3rd

Note: If you have any questions please contact Miss Anholt by email or at the school.


I recognize that organization can be a struggle for many. I try to organize myself and my teaching with the intention of helping the students develop good habits that can be transferred into high school and beyond. Here are some of the ways that I will encourage this in my class this year. Your support is appreciated.

Color Coding
Social Studies-Orange
Christian Ethics-Yellow
Fine Arts-Purple

Name and date in the top right hand corner

Subject in the left hand corner

Number your pages

Use a day planner and calendar

Stay on top of due dates and assignments (check the class blog for major assignment due dates and dates to remember)

If you are absent. When you return...

Get the notes from a classmate

Check the Handout Binder for missed handouts

Hand in all assignments to the Hand-in Basket at the beginning of class to avoid late marks

Ask the teacher for more tips!

Note: Students are allowed and encouraged to use technology to support their learning and assist in organization. Students will be allowed to use laptops and ipods in class time only. As of right now they will not be permitted internet access.

Course Outlines

Please ask to read your son/daughters syllabus/course outline for their core classes this year. The syllabus includes the Units of Learning, Materials, Textbooks, Grade Weights and Expectations. All syllabus’ should be at the front of their Subject Section in their binder. A rubric or other grading criteria will be given to the students, for all major assignments, when the assignment is assigned. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please email me at

Meet The Teacher

Meet the Teacher!
Hello, my name is Miss Ashley Anholt. I am excited to be your son/daughters teacher this year.
If you were to ask my friends to describe me I am sure they would tell you that I love adventure and have a heart that remains faithful to God, my family, and Saskatchewan (especially the Roughriders)! I was born and raised in Saskatoon and have attended Emmanuel Baptist Church for nearly my entire life. The year after high school I moved away and attended Columbia Bible College, in Abbotsford, BC. I then returned to Saskatoon and attended the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Education where I graduated in 2007. After receiving my degree I moved to Hong Kong and taught Grade 2 at the Christian Alliance International School for 2 years. While I was living overseas I travelled to several countries in South East Asia and India both for pleasure and missions. In 2009, I moved back to Saskatoon and was blessed to receive the grade 7/8 teaching position here at SCS.
I have really enjoyed teaching the middle years students. I value the depth of our conversations and opportunities that I have to mentor youth. I love to travel and experience other cultures! This passion is easily reflected in my teaching in that I love to share stories from my travels and draw from my experiences when teaching about cultures and/or new experiences. After visiting schools in poverty-stricken countries I have a much greater appreciation for teaching in such a privileged school.
As a teacher I value each student and their individual learning styles. I understand that not every student learns in the exact same way as their classmates. This year I intend to provide opportunities to reach the various learning styles. Two teaching methods that I value are Differentiated and Student-Centered Learning. These two teaching approaches look at individual students and their learning styles and needs. Differentiated learning often offers different types of assignments for different learners. Student-Centered learning is where students often choose what they want to study and how they think they should be assessed. Both of these approaches foster independent learning and opportunities for all students to be successful. In my experience the best learning outcomes have been achieved when the students have taken initiative and responsibility for their own learning. I appreciate your support as we partner together this year.