Monday, December 6, 2010

Water Cycle Creative Project

Three Parts:
1. Model/Poster/Multi-Media Presentation
2. Brief explanation/presentation of your project
3. Short expository essay explaining the water-cycle etc. (see description below)

Your task is to create a model or detailed poster or multi-media presentation that represents or shows our planet’s water cycle. You will be required to explain your model/poster for evaluation.
You must include the following…
*The stated terms might not be included in your model/poster but should be able to be explained from your model/poster/multi-media.
Ground water
Surface water

In your own words write a brief expository essay explaining the water cycle and its importance to the earth’s system. In your essay include a paragraph that would explain the affect that pollution would have on the whole system.

In order to receive your project mark you will be required to complete a self-assessment evaluating your if all required components are included in your project (use the checklist above to make sure). Your peers will complete a peer evaluation of your presentation which will evaluate how well you can explain your project. Your teacher will evaluate your essay/explanation of the water-cycle.

Please contact Miss Anholt if you have any questions (

Water Cycle

Here is a useful water cycle website: It is also posted in the website list (to the right).

There are many more good ones. Just do a google search!