Friday, December 2, 2011

Science Test Wednesday!

Mixtures and Solutions Science Test this Wednesday!

Study the summary sheet--add additonal notes
Learn the key terms (hand-out given) according to science--look up definitions in the textbook
Re-read the unit in the text
Do Unit Review questions at the end of the chapter (purple pages)
Review Communicate and Check Your Progress questions

Multiple Choice
Short Answer

Any questions email

Thursday, October 27, 2011

That Time of Year!

Mid-term! More assignments for you...more marking for me! Please stay ontop of your homework and assignments. Remember to put in your best effort.

All term 1 assignments need to be handed in by November 10th in order to be included on the T1 report card.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Science Test Friday!

There will be an Ecosystems Unit Test on Friday. Please study at home. Use your unit summary (handed out at the beginning of the unit and also on page 91-92 of the textbook) and the review questions in the text (page 93-96) to help you study.

Test Format:
Multiple Choice
Short Answer

If you have any questions please contact Miss Anholt (

We will review in class on Thursday.

Note: The textbook has been our primary source. Please review the chapter in the textbook. Do not rely on class notes (there is hardly any!).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Science Unit Test

Warning!  There will be a science unit test before the students have their school break and teachers go to convention.  The test date will be officially determined when we wrap up the unit and make time for review but I am thinking Oct. 13th or 14th.  If not then the following week.

Please start studying/reviewing the material that we have covered in class.

Note: You do not have many written notes since our source has been the textbook.  Please read and review Chapter 1: Ecosystems in the textbook.

If you have any questions please contact me:

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ride for Refuge Ride Day Details

Miss Anholt's Class Details
-Register online
-Get sponsors
-Show up at Cornerstone Church shortly after 8:00 (Miss Anholt will meet you near the registration desk--I will bring the parent consent forms)
-Remember a helmet, your bike, and appropriate clothes (jacket, mini-gloves, etc.)
-Parents are welcome to join or cheer! (Maybe go down to Meewasin)
-Lunch is served at 11:30 (if you want to stay)

Here are details from the Ride for Refuge Site. Check site for more details and site map. (

Start/Finish Location The Saskatoon RIDE is being hosted again at Cornerstone Church - 315 Lenore Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7Z5. There is plenty of parking, bathroom facilities and an indoor registration area.

Rider Registration/Check-In 8:00 am All riders (and volunteers) must check-in personally and sign the Registration & Waiver form (available here to download). Riders aged 15 or younger require a parent or guardian to sign on their behalf. Riders should come prepared with their "My Donors Form" downloaded and printed from their personal fundraising page or a completed pledge form.

Opening Ceremonies 8:45 am

Start Time 9:00 am

Route Closes 12:00 noon All riders must depart from start/finish location by 10 am. All riders traveling longer distances must judge their travel time carefully to ensure their return by 12 noon.

Lunch 11:30 - 1:00 pm Subway restaurants is back with a great assortment of subs for our lunch. Along with that will be soup and home made desserts. Stick around as we show pics of the morning ride and hang out with friends.

What to Bring/Wear
First things first. HELMETS are required. For those that don't have helmets some will be available to borrow but you may want to as a friend in case we run out. Early October is usually cool and rain, wind etc is possible. Wear layers, some moisture repelling clothes and if rain is forecasted, gloves, touque and even some bags to keep your feet dry during your ride. Of course, it could also be a beautiful fall day with no wind and blazing sunshine so keep an eye on the weather forecast as Ride Day approaches.

After Your RIDE
A great lunch will be served around noon and you are welcome to linger and enjoy after (or during your ride depending on how far you go). Riders are expected to depart or be picked up by 2pm.

Lost + Found
The lost and found will be located at the T-shirt desk.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bible Memory Verses

Bible Memory is an important spiritual discipline that we should all try to practice. To encourage you to memorize scripture I have assigned 10% of your Christian Ethics grade to Bible memory. Your first Bible memory assignment is to choose a verse (or more) from Philippians 1 and memorize it. You will be required to say your verse aloud or write it down, and share what the verse means and the significance of the verse it to you. Remember to memorize the reference as well! Philippians Chapter 1 memory verse test date: Tuesday, September 27th

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I want to say thank-you to all the parents who made it out to Meet The Teacher Night last night. It was great to meet you and briefly share what happens in "Miss Anholt's Class" and the expectations that I have for my students. Any parents who were not able to attend and would like the outline of what I shared please email me ( and I can send you a copy. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me. I do look forward to partnering with you this year. Miss Ashley Anholt