Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I would like to say a big THANK-YOU to all the students and parents who baked for the sale today. According to those who counted the money we raised $417.05! Well done! All the money will go towards to putting a water purification system in a school in Thailand.

Here is the email we received from the directors of Imagine Thailand (the organization that we are donating to) written specifically to you and this project.

I want to say thanks for being open to God using you to bring blessing to the Migrant community in Thailand. Clean water does more than provide for safe drinking. It provides for a a safer garden, vegetables and fruit not poisoned by dirty water. It provides for good hygiene. It provides for precious funds to be freed from spending on expensive water companies and instead designated to teaching and better nutrition. It also provides us, the Christian community a vital and honest way to show our love for the community and open the door to invest our lives in the community in the name of Christ. Your support of a water project opens a multitude of doors, so for that we want to say thank you and God bless you.

Peter and Cavelle Dove

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