Friday, September 11, 2009

Jeremiah 29:13

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

-Seek God with the intention that you will find him!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Colossians 3:22-25

v22-Obey your earthy masters even when they are not looking!
v23-Work at whatever you do as if you are working for the Lord not for man.
v24-Remember God will give you a great inheritance (heaven).
v25-God has no favorites!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is "good enough" good enough?

Good Enough Is Neither (by Mike Smith)

All too often 'good enough' is where the weak hearts stop.
It keeps the very best in each from coming to the top.
'Enough' implies just gettin' by and 'good' falls short of best.
So 'good enough' is average stuff and seldom meets the test.
The ones who 'shine' and seem to find success are those who dare
To charge right past old 'good enough' and show the world they care.
Never being satisfied with just an average plan,
They work and think and push themselves to do the best they can.
Remember that the choice is yours and you alone choose either,
But those who 'shine' are those who know that 'good enough' is neither

I think we can apply this concept to our relationship with Christ. Do you follow a mental checklist of things you need to do to get by and leave it at that…okay, I’ve had quiet times/devotions 4 out of 7 days this week…I’ve volunteered on this day…I went to church on Sunday...etc…I’m good to go, I’ve done what I need to do as a Christian. Have you trusted God with all areas of your life, or just the portions you want to? Do you truly worship God for all He is, or do you sing some songs on Sunday’s or in chapel or class because everyone else is?

I know there are definitely times in my life when I just go for the “good enough” in many areas of life, including my walk with the Lord. In Revelation 3, the Church in Laodicea is warned against being just “good enough”…15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
I challenge you to take a look at your own life, are you a “good enough”, lukewarm Christian, or do you strive to be connected in your relationship with Christ?

Note: This devotion has been taken from Miss Anholt's friend. It is not completely self-created.

Be inspired!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Multiple Intelligence Quiz

Your assignment is to complete the multiple intelligence quiz (at the provided website) to "Find Your Strengths."

1. Copy and paste this link ( into your web browser or click here.
2. Carefully read the instructions.
3. Take the quiz (all 56 questions)!
4. Click "Find My Strengths."
5. Read your results.
6. Copy and paste your results into a word document titled "My Strengths." Be sure to include your name and date in the top right hand corner!
7. In the same word document (below what you copy and pasted) answer the following questions:
a) Did you find your results surprising? Briefly describe why or why not?
b) Do you agree with your top three strengths why or why not?
c) What types of assignments or activities would you like to complete in class this year so that you are using your strengths?
8. Attach your assignment in an email and send it to or print off your word document and hand it in to Miss Anholt by Thursday morning.

Assignment due: Thursday, September 10th

Note: If you have any questions please contact Miss Anholt by email or at the school.

September Calendar