Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shattered Chapter 1 Questions

Read Chapter 1 for Thursday. You will have 10-15 minutes to work on these questions in class on Thursday. If they are not done you will need to go to study hall to finish.

Chapter 1

1. What is your first impression of the main character Ian? Describe what he is like. (5 marks)
2. Near the end of chapter 1 the man said “You better get going. The street is safer than the park but that doesn’t make it safe. Keep your eyes open and your head up, understand?” Explain what the man means by this comment? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. (3 marks)
3. Why did Ian say the man was his guardian angel? (2 marks)

Total 10 marks
Due on Thursday by the end of class


  1. when did u say we had to do this i thought we havent even started the book yet? i though we were reading in class together?

  2. You are right. I just posted this after school so that you would have it for today.

    I am glad you check the blog as frequently as you do. Well done!
