Friday, December 17, 2010

Gingerbread Houses Winners

Second Place
First Place

Thank-you and Merry Christmas

I just want to say thank-you to everyone who blessed me with a gift and/or a Christmas card. I can't wait to go for coffee and maybe this time I will splurge on a specialty coffee! Thanks for the teapot...the apple...the book...and all the others. I am so blessed!

I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful class. We have had so much fun this year learning and hanging out together. I can't wait for the year ahead.

Now, may you enjoy your Christmas holiday. Enjoy your time with your friends and family and your break form school. Be safe, have fun and remember the real reson for this holiday.

See you next year!

Miss Anholt

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gift Exchange

On Friday, students who wish to participate in a gift exchange game must bring a wrapped gift. This year all gifts must be edible and have a value of aprox. $7. Once again be creative in what you buy/give and how you wrap it.

If you do not wish to participate do not bring a gift but then do not expect to get anything in return.

Gingerbread Contest

The students have decided that as apart of our class fun on Friday we are going to have a gingerbread house contest. The students have chosen their own groups and each group is responsible for bringing their own supplies to make their house. I will provide icing for the groups. Each group will have 45 minutes to craft their house.

Be creative!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Water Cycle Creative Project

Three Parts:
1. Model/Poster/Multi-Media Presentation
2. Brief explanation/presentation of your project
3. Short expository essay explaining the water-cycle etc. (see description below)

Your task is to create a model or detailed poster or multi-media presentation that represents or shows our planet’s water cycle. You will be required to explain your model/poster for evaluation.
You must include the following…
*The stated terms might not be included in your model/poster but should be able to be explained from your model/poster/multi-media.
Ground water
Surface water

In your own words write a brief expository essay explaining the water cycle and its importance to the earth’s system. In your essay include a paragraph that would explain the affect that pollution would have on the whole system.

In order to receive your project mark you will be required to complete a self-assessment evaluating your if all required components are included in your project (use the checklist above to make sure). Your peers will complete a peer evaluation of your presentation which will evaluate how well you can explain your project. Your teacher will evaluate your essay/explanation of the water-cycle.

Please contact Miss Anholt if you have any questions (

Water Cycle

Here is a useful water cycle website: It is also posted in the website list (to the right).

There are many more good ones. Just do a google search!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Forces, Fluids and Density Review

•What is a characteristic of a fluid what is not?

oHow temperature affects viscosity
Example car oil
oExperiments to test viscosity
Bubble and ramp method

•Particle theory
oHow it relates to the topics we studied

•Weight, mass, volume
oHow are they the same?
oHow are they different?
oFormula and how to calculate it
oWhat is a dense and not so dense substance?

oHow to graph
oHow to read a graph

•What is the water displacement method? How does it work?

•How does the density change with temperature?

•Buoyancy and Force
oWhat is force?
oWhat is buoyancy?
oWhat is the gravitational force?
oKnow the diagram that you drew!

•PFD-Personal Floatation Device

•Swim bladder and ballast tanks

•Boat building
oCanoe and Kayak
Why they can float?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Shattered Reading Update

Monday is PJ and Hot Chocolate Day. We will be selling hot chocolate (for $1.00) so that you can read and enjoy during Reading Period first thing in the morning.

During that time you will need to read up to chapter 15 in Shattered (you may also read the NT).

See you Monday in your PJ's!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Float or Sink?

Encourage One Another

Remember to encourage one another and build each other up. I was so encouraged by the kind words that you wrote on my "report card." It made my week! Thank-you.

1 Thessalonians 5: 10-18

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

Paul’s Final Advice
12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. 13 Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other.
14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.

15 See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.

16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Shattered Questions and Reading

Complete chapter 10 questions (note taking and vocabulary) and read chapter 11 for Thursday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another science video

Good Review Video for Science

Forces, Fluids and Density Science Test

Test Format:
-True and False
-Multiple Choice
-Short Answer (including graphing)

-Use Summary page (given out on the first day of the unit) as study notes. Do not study 'Big Idea #4'
-Know the definitions on the vocab list that we discussed in throughout the unit (given out on the first day of the unit). You don't need to know the ones that we did not learn in class.
-Study all your class notes
-Use review questions (handed out in class) as a practice

If you missed any classes (including labs) it is your responsibility to get the notes you missed.

Contact Miss Anholt ( if you have any questions.

Test on Tuesday, November 30th

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pennies Needed

Please bring as many pennies as you can for a science experiment on Thursday. You will get your pennies back!

Shattered Questions

Chapter 6
1. List 5 reasons why street people might be on the streets. (5 marks)
2. Where do homeless people like to sleep? (5 marks)

Chapter 7
1. Why didn’t Ian want to tell his mom about what he had seen or experienced when he was out on the streets with Mac. How would you respond if you were in his situation? (4 marks)

Here are the questions just in case you forget your binder at school (or have lost the page).

These questions are due tomorrow (Wednesday).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Progress Reports


Please sign and send back the bottom slip on your son/daughter's Christian Ethics and Science Progress Report.

*Remember Report Cards are handed out on Thursday. The mark will not be the same, but should be fairly close.
I apologize there was no Language Arts Progress Report handed out before Report Card (this is due to the fact that many of their major assignment were just handed in).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chapter Questions

Shattered chapter questions 4 & 5 are due on Tuesday. You won't get time on Monday to work on them since it is Library exchange period.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Read Ch 2-4

Read Shattered Chapter 2-4 for tomorrow (Friday). We will have a discussion about the chapters tomorrow in class. Be prepared.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Parent Teacher Interview Forms


Please fill out and return the Parent Teacher Interview Request forms ASAP. They will be sent home today and are due Monday; however, the office would like them back sooner if possible.

Type up poems

Please type up your 3 poems for Monday. Be sure to follow the marking grid. Use it as your checklist.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shattered Chapter 1 Questions

Read Chapter 1 for Thursday. You will have 10-15 minutes to work on these questions in class on Thursday. If they are not done you will need to go to study hall to finish.

Chapter 1

1. What is your first impression of the main character Ian? Describe what he is like. (5 marks)
2. Near the end of chapter 1 the man said “You better get going. The street is safer than the park but that doesn’t make it safe. Keep your eyes open and your head up, understand?” Explain what the man means by this comment? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. (3 marks)
3. Why did Ian say the man was his guardian angel? (2 marks)

Total 10 marks
Due on Thursday by the end of class

Volleyball Tournament

This is a notice to anyone who plays on the Middle Years Volleyball Teams. Please get your Parent Consent Form signed and sent back to the school. Also note that there will be a bus that takes the players only to Walter Murray (leaving at 1:50). You will need to get picked up just after 5:00. A schedule will be sent home tomorrow!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Personal Narrative Good Copy

Due Monday
Use your blue "rubric" (or marking grid) to go over your work.

Please type--double space, size 12 (11-13 size acceptable) font

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Particle Theory Quiz-Monday

Particle Theory Quiz on Monday!

You will have to state the 5 points of the particle theory and draw a picture of the solid, liquid and gas particles.

Middle Years Volleyball Tournament

This is a notice to anyone who played on the girls or boys volleyball team this year. There will be a year-end tournament played on Thursday, November 4th from 2:20-5:10 at Walter Murray Collegiate.

The students will need to leave the school around 1:45 to be ready for their games. We will need help providing rides for everyone. Parents please let your son/daughter know if you can provide a ride for them and/or others.

Come and cheer us on!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Declare and Surrender Change of Date

FYI: Declare and Surrender will be THIS WEDNESDAY (at 7:30) instead of Thursday as previously stated. The day has been changed due to High School Parent Teacher Interviews.

Personal Narrative Rough Drafts

Finish typing #2 rough copy of your personal narrative (LA) for Thursday.
-Print and bring to class
-Save on a flash drive and ALSO bring to class.

(we are going to edit rough copy #2 for spelling and mechanics)

Note to parents: Please have your son or daughter type up their own assingment (don't do it for them). They need the typing practice. Make sure they are using proper fingering and not the 'chicken pecking' method.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Statment of Faith model template

In class we talked about following the assignment instructions (use your rubric) and putting together a professional looking assignment. This is a template of how your statement could (or for the most part should) look.
Email me if you have questions:
Miss Anholt
October 18, 2010
Grade 7/8 Teacher

Statement of Faith

• God breathed; used for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness
• Written by human authors but inspired by God
You should have more points here
2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Version)
16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
You need at least 4 verses

The Bible has been a very important part of my life. When I was young my parents read the Bible to me. As I grew older I never liked reading so I didn’t read the Bible very much until one year I went to camp and found a new passion for God’s word. Now the Bible is a book that I desire to read everyday. I know that it shapes my thinking, my living, and my values. I am thankful for the truth that the Bible reveals. It shapes my belief and gives me evidence for why I believe what I believe...
You need a through paragraph. At least 5 well-written sentences.

• Is an act of faith when a person believes in God

Picture Retakes

We will be holding Picture Retake Day on Friday, November 5th in the morning.
Please provide your child’s proof on that day if you wish for retakes.
If your child was absent for the original Photo day, just provide the smile! 

Colleen Eisler
Admin. Assist.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hats on for Bolivia

There will be a hat day on Tuesday, Oct. 19th. Bring money and wear a hat.

Magazine Sales

Magazine Sales have been extended to Oct. 19th. Keep on selling!

LA Narrative Rough Draft

Your narrative rough drafts are due on Tuesday (first period). You will not get class time on Monday to work on them. Please finish them up for homework.

We will begin proof-reading and editing them on Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Science Test Review

The Unit 1 Science Test will be on Tuesday.

True and false
Multiple Choice
Short Answer

Review parts of the microscope and their functions

Know parts of the plant and animal cell and their functions
-be able to draw and label and explain the difference between plant and animal

Know the different body systems
-what organs are in what system
-the order of the organs in the systems

Know what things you can do to make our bodies healthy or unhealthy

If you have questions please contact me at

Due Date Changes

It has been a busy and mixed up few days in class for reasons such as: Heritage Day, chapel practices, field trips, etc. Since we haven't had enough class time to review science and complete our statement of faiths I will be extending the due dates. Since the due dates have been extended there will be no (or less) sympathy for late assignments.

These are the final due dates:
Science Unit 1 Test (Microscope, cells, systems and organs): Tuesday, Oct. 19
Statement of Faith (Good copy-typed): Tuesday, Oct. 26

Questions-please email me at

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Upcoming art project

Bring a plastic bowl (2 lbs margarine container, ziploc container, etc) for a paper mache project in art by FRIDAY.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Long Weekend Homework :)

-Study science (microscopes, cells, body systems)
-Statement of faith (Jesus-Holy Spirit)
-Read the New Testament

Persecution Drama

This is a drime that we are doing for chapel on Wednesday. We are talking about having a passion for the word.

It is intense. Be prepared!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Heritage Day

Heritage Day is tomorrow. The grade 7's were asked today to help out with serving. Please wear white and black or all black tomorrow. The grade 8's will help out with parking duty.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Possible song for chapel

Check out this song. It talks about God being our passion. Consider how we can use it in our chapel on Wednesday.

Picture Day

Just a reminder that school pictures will be taken on Thursday! Please remember to comb your hair and brush your teeth before you come to school!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Respiratory System Song

You may be familiar with this tune. Why not learn these words and have fun learning the respiratory system.

Respiratory System Video

This is more detailed than you will need to know. But still useful

Wired Consent Form and $2

There will be a new Parent Consent form sent home today. Please read, sign and return with $2.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Parts of Speech Re-Write

Students who failed their grammar quiz today will re-write tomorrow at recess. Please study!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stay on top of it!

Remember to stay on top of your upcoming major assignments!

Christian Ethics

All students should be done their rough draft of The Bible and Salvation/Conversion part of their statement of faith. We will be working on researching and the rough drafts of the 3 aspects of the trinity in the weeks to come. No final due date has been set. But these rough drafts should be complete to prevent procrastination.

*See the post below or the 'got questions about faith' for a useful website (to the left).

Language Arts

-Bio poem
-Acrostic poem
-Emotion poem (and visual art)
Rough drafts should be done up to this point (homework checks and teacher corrections have been done already)
Final copies will be included in the Identity Portfolio project that will likely be due at the end of October.

Science Centre Forms and Money

Reminder to bring back your science centre field trip form and money. Remember we will be leaving at 7:20 AM and be returning at 5:30 PM.

Note: there are a few extra seats for parents if you would like to join. You will be responsible for covering your own admission charge etc.

Please email me if you would like to come (

Parts of Speech Quiz

Reminder that there will be a parts of speech quiz on Tuesday. You will have to be able to match the definition with the parts of speech. You will be required to give examples of words that belong to each part of speech ex) Noun-teacher.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Got questions about your statement of faith?

Here may be a helpful website. There is LOTS of information on here and lots of scriptural references. Hope it helps and is not too overwhleming.

The answers to questions in the kids section will be easier to understand.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Creative Cell Project

Your creative cell projects presentations will take place on Wednesday. You will have time in class on Monday to work on your project.

If you are working on your assignmnet at home you might find this website useful.

Have fun!

*Remember to follow your rubric!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Testament Challenge

The students and I all want to read our Bible more this year. To encourage this I have challenged the student to read the entire New Testament before Christmas. If we reach our goal we will have a class party. If we don't reach our goal by Christmas we will celebrate once it has been reached.

They are not being marked on this it is more or less just for fun!

Please encourage your son/daughter in their reading.

Maybe you want to consider joining the challenge too.

I handed out a 30-day reading guide that we are following as "check points" (but we are not following the 30 day timeline).

Monday, September 13, 2010

Microscope Quiz Wednesday

There is going to be a microscope quiz on Wednesday. What you will need to be able to do is label the parts of the microscope and be able to match the 'function' of microscope with its proper part.

So labeling and matching.

Hope this makes sense!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Get to you know you homework


Please try to complete your "homework" (the blue paper in the class newsletter) by Friday.


Please do the muliple intelligence quiz and 3 questions by Wednesday!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Your First Assignment: Multiple Intelligence

The purpose of this assignment is to discover your strengths and how you learn best as well as to see how well you follow instructions!

Your assignment is to complete the multiple intelligence quiz (at the provided website) to "Find Your Strengths."

1. Copy and paste this link ( into your web browser or click here.
2. Carefully read the instructions.
3. Take the quiz (all 56 questions)!
4. Click "Find My Strengths."
5. Read your results.
6. Copy and paste your results into a word document titled "My Strengths." Be sure to include your name, date and grade in the top right hand corner!
7. In the same word document (below what you copy and pasted) answer the following questions:
a) Did you find your results surprising? Briefly describe why or why not?
b) Do you agree with your top three strengths why or why not?
c) What types of assignments or activities would you like to complete in class this year so that you are using your strengths?
8. Print off your word document and hand it in to Miss Anholt by Friday morning (Sept. 3rd).

Assignment due by: Friday, September 3rd

Note: If you have any questions please contact Miss Anholt by email or at the school.


I recognize that organization can be a struggle for many. I try to organize myself and my teaching with the intention of helping the students develop good habits that can be transferred into high school and beyond. Here are some of the ways that I will encourage this in my class this year. Your support is appreciated.

Color Coding
Social Studies-Orange
Christian Ethics-Yellow
Fine Arts-Purple

Name and date in the top right hand corner

Subject in the left hand corner

Number your pages

Use a day planner and calendar

Stay on top of due dates and assignments (check the class blog for major assignment due dates and dates to remember)

If you are absent. When you return...

Get the notes from a classmate

Check the Handout Binder for missed handouts

Hand in all assignments to the Hand-in Basket at the beginning of class to avoid late marks

Ask the teacher for more tips!

Note: Students are allowed and encouraged to use technology to support their learning and assist in organization. Students will be allowed to use laptops and ipods in class time only. As of right now they will not be permitted internet access.

Course Outlines

Please ask to read your son/daughters syllabus/course outline for their core classes this year. The syllabus includes the Units of Learning, Materials, Textbooks, Grade Weights and Expectations. All syllabus’ should be at the front of their Subject Section in their binder. A rubric or other grading criteria will be given to the students, for all major assignments, when the assignment is assigned. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please email me at

Meet The Teacher

Meet the Teacher!
Hello, my name is Miss Ashley Anholt. I am excited to be your son/daughters teacher this year.
If you were to ask my friends to describe me I am sure they would tell you that I love adventure and have a heart that remains faithful to God, my family, and Saskatchewan (especially the Roughriders)! I was born and raised in Saskatoon and have attended Emmanuel Baptist Church for nearly my entire life. The year after high school I moved away and attended Columbia Bible College, in Abbotsford, BC. I then returned to Saskatoon and attended the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Education where I graduated in 2007. After receiving my degree I moved to Hong Kong and taught Grade 2 at the Christian Alliance International School for 2 years. While I was living overseas I travelled to several countries in South East Asia and India both for pleasure and missions. In 2009, I moved back to Saskatoon and was blessed to receive the grade 7/8 teaching position here at SCS.
I have really enjoyed teaching the middle years students. I value the depth of our conversations and opportunities that I have to mentor youth. I love to travel and experience other cultures! This passion is easily reflected in my teaching in that I love to share stories from my travels and draw from my experiences when teaching about cultures and/or new experiences. After visiting schools in poverty-stricken countries I have a much greater appreciation for teaching in such a privileged school.
As a teacher I value each student and their individual learning styles. I understand that not every student learns in the exact same way as their classmates. This year I intend to provide opportunities to reach the various learning styles. Two teaching methods that I value are Differentiated and Student-Centered Learning. These two teaching approaches look at individual students and their learning styles and needs. Differentiated learning often offers different types of assignments for different learners. Student-Centered learning is where students often choose what they want to study and how they think they should be assessed. Both of these approaches foster independent learning and opportunities for all students to be successful. In my experience the best learning outcomes have been achieved when the students have taken initiative and responsibility for their own learning. I appreciate your support as we partner together this year.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

On Broadway

This Thursday is On Broadway. Be sure to come check out the artists. There will be a big band stage and a coffee house atmosphere. There also will be food and drinks. Tickets can be purchased to buy snacks for $1 each.

See you Thursday.

Also a reminder to submit your art project by Thursday!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Our class will be involved in an outreach opportunity THIS Sunday. We will be hosting Tiffany Thomas' ministry here in our classroom. As the class decided we will have a girls and guys night. Girls will do hair, nails, make-up and the guys will play in the gym or play video games. The outreach will be from 6-8pm, however, it would be nice to have people come early to set up.

This is completely optional. Do not feel like you have to come, yet if you are looking for ways to reach out to others, especially Inner-City Kids, this is a great opportunity to do so.

Please let me (Miss Anholt) know if you are willing (and able) to join on Sunday.

Yeahy Bake Sale

Thank-you for all your efforts as we raised $135.51 to go towards the LifeFORCE Missions Team. The Team will be taking a group of inner-city kids to Trinidad and Tobago for an experience of a lifetime. Thanks for having the hearts to help others.

I am encouraged by your servant hearts.

Monday, March 22, 2010


· “To Save a Life” playing at the Roxy Theatre- on until Thursday
o Friday-Thursday @ 7:00pm
o $8 for adults ($6 for matinees)
o Check out the trailer:
o Official website:

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ski Trip Tomorrow

Be at school at 6:15AM!

-bring your ski or snowboard gear
-wear layers
-bring a change of clothes (pants/mitts) so you can change when you get wet.
-lots of food
-lots of water
-cards/games to play when we are on the bus
-do not bring valuables (your belongings will be left at your own risk--there will not be a parent or teacher watching them)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Moving Day

We will be moving into our new classroom likely on Friday. Please bring a bag or box, on Friday, so that you can move your supplies/belongings without losing everything.

Friday, February 26, 2010


-Your ski/snowboard trip forms
-Your Sound of Music release form
-Taco in a bag money

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Saskatoon Blades Faith Night

On Friday, Feb. 26th, the Saskatoon Blades are holding their second Faith Night during their game against the PA Raiders. There will be a concert before and after the game by Grammy nominees GRITS, a public skate after the game while GRITS play and testimonies will be shared during teh intermission by Christian Blades player. This might be something you would like to check out.

I will be there at the SCS table. See you there!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bring for science

2 identical 2L pop bottles.

Search your recycle bin see what you can find!

See what you can find. Bottle bottles will be shared in groups, therefore, not everyone needs to bring 2.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bring for the Field Trip

1. Parent/Guardian Consent Form (otherwise you will not be going)
2. Bring a clipboard/folder/duotang/etc.
3. Bring a writing tool (pen/pencil)
4. Lunch (or money to buy lunch at the Farmers Market)
5. Warm clothes (toque, mitts, dress in layers)
6. Money if you wish to buy a treat (However, we will not be "shopping")

See the itinerary that was sent home for more informtion on the details of the excursion. Since it was an indoor recess today we will likely be taking a bus from the Saskatoon Farmers Market to Broadway. However, we will be outside the businesses on Broadway so be prepared to be outside.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Urgent--Parents Needed

We need parent volunteers for our field trip on Wednesday. I have put a lot of effort into the planning and feel like it is going to be a very valuable learning opportunity. I will be disappointed if I have to cancel it again. If I cancel this trip for the second time I will not likely schedule any more field trips this year.

Please call the school or email me if you can help out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Newspapers needed!

Please bring a newspaper to class on Wednesday or Thursday. If you don't get the paper see if you have a neighbour or a relative that can give you an old one.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Congratulations to Vincent the SCS 2010 Spelling Bee Champion!

Good luck in the other competitions.

No field trip tomorrow

No field trip tomorrow due to a lack of parent volunteers. The trip has been postponed to Wednesday, January 27th. This will be a full-day field trip. More details to follow.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Volunteers for Tuesday

We are still in need of 3 volunteers to join the class on our educational excursion to Ten Thousand Villages and MCC on Tuesday morning.

Please contact me if you can come. or 343-1494.


Miss Anholt

Monday, January 11, 2010

Reading Project

Just a friendly reminder that your Reading Project is due at the end of the term. Your Reading Project was handed out during the first week of me teaching this class. You are required to read (for pleasure) 5 books this year (at your grade level). That means you could read 2 or 3 books this term and 2 or 3 books next term. The end of the term is on Jan. 28th. This term you will not be expected to do the Star Reading tests or the additional assignments (journals, etc.). By the end of the term you must complete: a book review, a one-minute wonder, a new book cover. Do not do them all on the same book; however, if you only read 2 books this term you may do two assignments on the same book.

See me if you have questions.

Skating on Tuesday

If you are interested in skating/playing hockey on Tuesday bring your skates and helmet. This will be in replacement of the Phys. Ed. class that we missed on Friday due to the Deep Freeze.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chapel this Friday

Our class has been asked to lead the Chapel this Friday. Please consider what you think the class should share. If you would like to invite your parents please let them know chapel will be at 11:00am.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Thank-you for the gift cards. I look forward to spending them.

Also, thank-you to those of you who blessed me with a Christmas gift this year. Your thoughtfulness was not necessary but greatly appreciated.

Blessings in the New Year!