Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas In-Class Celebration

Tomorrow we will be joining 8D for a Christmas Celebration. Mid-morning we will watch a movie and then have a pizza lunch. In the afternoon we will play games together in the gym which will be followed by a classroom clean-up.

Please bring $6 for the pizza and any snacks you would like to eat during the movie. Be sure to bring a backpack so you can take home all your belongings (gym clothes, shoes, binders, old lunch boxes etc.).

I hope you have a great Christmas holiday. May it be relaxing and a good time spent with friends and family. I am so thankful your hard work this year. Enjoy your 2 weeks!

Merry Christmas!


Miss Anholt

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hand-in ALL Assignments

You will need to hand in all assignments from this school year before you can join the Class Christmas Party on Friday. If you do not complete your assignments on or by Friday you will have lots of homework over the break!

Final Literature Circle Assignments

You should be finished your literature circle novel by now. You must complete these assignments by Friday (and all the literature circle assignments) if you want to join the class party.

-Fast Fact Cards (L17; individual)
-What's in a Chapter (group)
-Small Group Work Checklist (group)
-Final Journal Response (use a writing prompt) (individual)
-Events & Emotion (individual)
-One-Pager (individual)

Monday, December 14, 2009


FBI Day is canceled tomorrow. Bring your own lunch so you are not hungry!

Coffee House

Thank-you for all your hard work on the Coffee House. It was a huge success. We raised over $1,000 for Cain and Angel Ministries. I hope you learned useful skills and developed stronger relationships with your peers.

I am proud of you!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Flash Drive

All students need to have a flash drive to use at school (size doesn't matter).

They must bring it ASAP (ideally tomorrow).

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Coffee House

Reminder that the Coffee House is THIS Friday. 7-9pm at SCS. Tickets can be purchased for $10 from Miss Anholt or from the 7/8 Class. Ticket price includes: dessert, drink and entertainment. All money raised goes towards Cain and Angel Ministries.

The class will be setting up after school on Friday. Bring a supper or money for pizza. Be prepared to help clean up after.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Facebook Fast/Challenge

The Fast starts today (Monday) and goes at least until Friday.

Spend time with God instead of on "time wasting activities."

Join the Fast!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Facebook Fast/Challenge

Remember to record the amount of time you spend on Facebook (or some other "time waster") in the next couple of days.

Next week we will take on the challenge to not go on Facebook (or whatever) and spend the amount of time they would spend on Facebook and spend that time with God.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gr. 7 CE due Monday

Your assignment is to brainstorm a list of words that describe what God requires of us (you may use a thesaurus, or dictionary, etc). Attempt to find as many as you can (example: justice, mercy, kindness, etc).
Due: Monday, November 23rd

You will then make a "wordle" out of the words and we will print them out for display in the classroom.

You may want to check out the "wordle" website listed in the websites (on the side bar). Otherwise, I will introduce you to the site when we have the computers on Monday.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Permission Forms

Bring back your permission forms ASAP. Otherwise, you will not be going to the play on Thursday morning.

Bible Memory Verse for Nov. 23

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you.

Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,

because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:58

You will be expected to write out the verse (including proper grammar and spelling) as well as write out what the verse means.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Prose and Poetry

You can submit your "How will you Remember" poetry or prose (if you chose to do that) here. This allows anyone world wide to read it.

Please take pride in your work!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How Will You Remember?

Veterans' Week 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

SS Project Mark


Please remember to show your parents your Social Studies mark for your project and presentation.

Also, show them your class syllabus' and other marks (in all your subjects). So that your report card mark doesn't come as a surprise!


Please frequently check your student's binders to make sure they are organized as well as for any grades that you don't know about.

Miss Anholt

Friday, October 23, 2009

Class Wiki

At couple of the recent Teacher's Workshops that I went to I learned that Class Wiki's can be useful class websites. I created one for our class. You can check it out at this link: We will try to use in for our Coffee House preparation and then we will decide if it will be more useful than the class blog or not?

I would appreciate your comments/feedback.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Old Cardinal Spirit

Choose either Mr. Gale or Miss Shaughnessy to be the voice of the narrator for "The Old Cardinal Spirit." Write 2 paragraphs recounting a section of the story and show how it would be significantly different when told from another point of view.

5 marks each paragraph.
Total 10 marks.

Due: Tuesday, October 27th

Monday, October 19, 2009

SS Canadian History Project

You have been granted an extension on your Canadian History project. This will means that you must be prepared to present on Nov. 2nd.

Please follow the criteria in the provided rubric!

Late projects will not be accepted!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

CE Questions

Read 1 Sam. 18:6-29

A. What first made Saul angry with David? Why did this make him angry?

B. What made Saul afraid of David (v12)?

C. What actions were caused by Saul’s jealousy?

Due: Tuesday

Monday, October 12, 2009

Theme Verses for the Year

Choose a passage of scripture (minimum of three verses) to be your theme passages for the year. Memorize the verses and be prepared to explain why you chose those verses.

Memory verse test on October 27th.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

SS Research Project

I just want to remind you to start researching your topic for your Canadian History Research Project. The school's library has limited resources and the availability in the computer lab is minimal. You will have to take lots of responsibility for completing this assignment on your own. Please make use of the Saskatoon Public Libraries. They will have lots more books! Also, research on credible internet sites (not wikipedia). Let me know how I can help you. Don't leave everything until the night before!

Class Goal: Assess how historical events in Canada have affected the present Canadian identity.

Student Goal: Assess how a Canadian historical event has affected the present Canadian identity.

Step 1: Brainstorm

Brainstorm a variety of historical events that have had an impact on Canada/Canadians.

Step 2: Choose a topic!

Choose a historical event to thoroughly research how it has shaped the Canadian identity.

My topic: ______________________________________________________

*One topic per person

**You may not get your first choice for the topic

Step 3: Research

Use a variety of research methods to research your historical event. Take jot notes and be sure to create a bibliography of all the references used (Use the “How to write a bibliography” hand-out).

Consider the following:

· When and where the event occurred?

· What happened during the event?

· Who was directly and indirectly impacted by the event?

· Why the event happened and why was Canada/Canadians involved/impacted?

· How has this event affected the present Canadian identity?

Due Date: Monday, October 19th

Step 4: Present your information

You will need to present your research in a document that can be handed in and evaluated.

Choose a method of presenting your research:

· Research essay or report

· Power Point presentation

Due Date: Thursday, October 29th

Step 5: Class Presentation

You will be required to present your research to the class.

When presenting to the class consider:

· How you can make your presentation interesting to the audience.

· How you can answer the questions that you were expected to research (see above).

· That the audience will be expecting to be able to understand how your event has affected the present Canadian identity so that they will not have to research it themselves.

· Good presentation skills (confidence, cue cards, visuals, volume, eye contact, etc.)

Due Date: Thursday, October 29th

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gr. 7 Christian Ethics: Looking in the Rear View Mirror

Your assignment is to rewrite a modern day version of Habakkuk 3:17-19. To help with verse 17 consider possible current events/disasters (military crisis, wars, terrorism, social injustice, pollution, pets dying, etc.). For verses 18-19 consider the key faith words used in Habakkuk (rejoice, God, Savior, Sovereign, strength, yet). Rewrite this as your own statement of faith.

Writing (spelling, grammar, style) /5 marks
Rewrite Habakkuk 3:17 /10 marks
Rewrite Habakkuk 3:48-19 /15 marks

Due: Tuesday, Oct. 13th

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Math Homework Check-list/Expectations

In order for a homework check to be complete and for you to receive your mark (out of 1) make sure you do the following:
  • Have your name, date and grade on your page (in the top right hand corner)
  • Have the title of the lesson (example 1.1 Divisibility by 10, 5, 2)
  • Under the title write out the goal for the lesson (example: Goal-Create and use divisibility rules to determine if 10, 5, or 2 is a factor of a number)
  • Add any definitions to your "Chapter 1 Glossary"
  • Write the page number
  • Write the number and/or letter of the question
  • Answer the all the questions in pencil (make sure you show your work)
  • Correct your work in a different color pen
  • Put the total # correct/total # of questions (make a note to yourself if there is a question you need help with)
I set these guidelines for your benefit. I hope this will help you organize your notebook and remind you of what you are supposed to be learning.

Facing Your Giants

Focus on giants--you stumble.
Focus on God--your giants tumble!

Monday, September 28, 2009

SS Questions

Research and Investigate answers to the following questions:

1. Asses the benefits and challenges of the multi-cultural policy in Canada.

2. Research reasons for diverse people to chose Canada as home.

Note: Go beyond what you know or think in your head. Consider different perspectives from your own.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Jeremiah 29:13

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

-Seek God with the intention that you will find him!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Colossians 3:22-25

v22-Obey your earthy masters even when they are not looking!
v23-Work at whatever you do as if you are working for the Lord not for man.
v24-Remember God will give you a great inheritance (heaven).
v25-God has no favorites!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is "good enough" good enough?

Good Enough Is Neither (by Mike Smith)

All too often 'good enough' is where the weak hearts stop.
It keeps the very best in each from coming to the top.
'Enough' implies just gettin' by and 'good' falls short of best.
So 'good enough' is average stuff and seldom meets the test.
The ones who 'shine' and seem to find success are those who dare
To charge right past old 'good enough' and show the world they care.
Never being satisfied with just an average plan,
They work and think and push themselves to do the best they can.
Remember that the choice is yours and you alone choose either,
But those who 'shine' are those who know that 'good enough' is neither

I think we can apply this concept to our relationship with Christ. Do you follow a mental checklist of things you need to do to get by and leave it at that…okay, I’ve had quiet times/devotions 4 out of 7 days this week…I’ve volunteered on this day…I went to church on Sunday...etc…I’m good to go, I’ve done what I need to do as a Christian. Have you trusted God with all areas of your life, or just the portions you want to? Do you truly worship God for all He is, or do you sing some songs on Sunday’s or in chapel or class because everyone else is?

I know there are definitely times in my life when I just go for the “good enough” in many areas of life, including my walk with the Lord. In Revelation 3, the Church in Laodicea is warned against being just “good enough”…15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
I challenge you to take a look at your own life, are you a “good enough”, lukewarm Christian, or do you strive to be connected in your relationship with Christ?

Note: This devotion has been taken from Miss Anholt's friend. It is not completely self-created.

Be inspired!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Multiple Intelligence Quiz

Your assignment is to complete the multiple intelligence quiz (at the provided website) to "Find Your Strengths."

1. Copy and paste this link ( into your web browser or click here.
2. Carefully read the instructions.
3. Take the quiz (all 56 questions)!
4. Click "Find My Strengths."
5. Read your results.
6. Copy and paste your results into a word document titled "My Strengths." Be sure to include your name and date in the top right hand corner!
7. In the same word document (below what you copy and pasted) answer the following questions:
a) Did you find your results surprising? Briefly describe why or why not?
b) Do you agree with your top three strengths why or why not?
c) What types of assignments or activities would you like to complete in class this year so that you are using your strengths?
8. Attach your assignment in an email and send it to or print off your word document and hand it in to Miss Anholt by Thursday morning.

Assignment due: Thursday, September 10th

Note: If you have any questions please contact Miss Anholt by email or at the school.

September Calendar